Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What Dreams May Come

 I have been taking a break from writing for a long time, but sometimes circumstances prompt you to action, or more accurately kick you in the ass and slap your face. That final hit for me was the suicide of Robin Williams. He was an amazing man and talent and also one of the millions dealing with addiction and depression.

I have written about my own struggles on this blog and poked fun at some truly serious issues (i.e. a wine drinker with a knitting problem) but did not realize how words can touch so many people in such varied ways. When I stopped writing, I found out just how many people identified with my story and were encouraging me to continue the story, which I will soon.

Robin Williams' passing is weighing heavily on my mind. Depression is an insidious disease that does not discriminate. And it is a disease! Chances are you have either dealt with it personally whether yourself, family, or friends. The problem is society treats mental illness as taboo, something that should be hushed. Silence is what kills.

Don't remain silent. Share your story. Reach out to a friend in need. Make sure your voice is heard. Ask for help. Don't leave this earth and all the people who care for you before your time.